Resources and Links
Crisis Numbers
If you or someone else is in crisis or in need of urgent assistance, please contact one of the crisis services below or call emergency services on 000.
Emergency services on 000
24/7 crisis support and suicide prevention, text or web-chat counselling through the website.
PH: 13 11 14
Phone or visit the website for free 24/7 phone or web chat counselling for young people up to the age of 25.
PH: 1800 55 1800
Phone or online counselling for anyone affected by suicide.
PH: 1300 651 251
24/7 crisis mental health support in the East.
PH: 1300 721 927
If you are not in the Eastern region of Melbourne find your local psychiatric triage service on this list of Victorian’s mental health services
Safe Steps Family Violence Response Service
24/7 support for anyone experiencing family violence.
PH: 1800 015 188
Other wellbeing resources
WIRE - Women’s Information and Referral Exchange
Free support, information and referral for women, non-binary and gender-diverse people.
PH: 1300 134 130
24/7 professional counselling and referral for men.
PH: 1300 789 978
Anonymous and free LGBTIQA+ peer support and referral for anyone wanting to talk about sexuality, identity, gender, bodies, feelings or relationships.
PH: 1800 184 527
Social, emotional and cultural wellbeing online resources for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
Free phone support for parents of children from birth to 18 years of age.
PH: 1322 89
Anxiety Disorders Association of Victoria
Information, resources and referral for people affected by anxiety and depression.
PH: 9853 8089
Information, resources and referral for people affected by anxiety and depression.
PH: 1300 224 636
Information and resources for people who hear voices or have unusual experiences.
Free resources and mindfulness meditations for children, adults and families.
Free phone and online counselling for anyone affected by grief and loss.
PH: 1300 845 745
Information and support for refugees and asylum seekers and those seeking to volunteer.